In the world of healthcare, ensuring the safety of patients, staff and visitors is paramount.
Introducing Lead Lined Shields – an innovative technology used to prevent harmful rays from escaping out of the contained room through air pressure stabilisers or air pressure valves, promising to revolutionise the healthcare environment.
What Are Lead-Lined Shields?
Lead-lined shields provide protection by creating a barrier from radiation escaping beyond the contained room, reducing the radiation exposure rate.
X-ray and gamma radiation are used to produce medical imagery, according to NHS England, between March 2021 and March 2022, the most common procedure with 1.82 million X-rays in the UK, making it the most common medical service performed.
Without shielding, the public, radiation workers (including dentists and veterinarians), and even nearby office workers could be exposed to levels of radiation outside regulated exposure limits, which can potentially lead to negative health effects. Although it is impossible to avoid exposure to radiation completely, shielding is a critical consideration in any medical facility that greatly reduces unnecessary exposure.